Opinion Question & Answer

Question of the day: Help me buy a DSLR camera…

Question: “Yo Scott, I’ve been looking at DSLR cameras. Right now, I’m considering getting the Nikon D3100 because it is a decent price and can shoot full 1080p video. Do you think the KX or K-7 would still be better than the D3100? Also, since I’m going to acen, which two lenses would you recommend […]

Opinion Question & Answer

Question: Best Canon DSLR for video?

I was recently asked this question: Hey Scott…I’m looking at DSLRs from the filmmaker’s point of view. Of course I want to take awesome photos but the world of DSLR filmmaking is exploding and since the video quality for quite a few DSLRs are so amazing it’s something I want to get in on. I’m […]