I've had this recording on my work drive for many years at this point. I went to a beautiful Japanese garden, used these lenses, and took some photos. The video is about the lenses, but also about the type of photography and the ways that I use the lenses. Watch the video on YouTube here. First off, we have the 7Artisans 18mm f/6.3. This lens has a fixed aperture and is very compact. It's a really nice combination with the M6 Mark II or any small camera. This APS-C only lens will not cover a full-frame imaging circle besides the fact it's EF-M mount which never had larger than APS-C sensors. Check out this equipment on my Amazon storefront . A view of the Japanese Garden with the Canon EOS M6 Mark II, ready to shoot. The 7Artisans 18mm F6.3 lens, very compact. It's basically a body cap lens. The main consideration, and actually the main downside of this lens, is its fixed focus, with what they'd probably call "acceptable focus" at 0.35 meters (13.77 inch...