This is a free event photographers from the Midwest have been hosting at Anime Central since 2015. Vontography is the person that has been handling all of the details and administration of the event. A special thanks to him for all of his work managing this event.
Video still frames from the event. |
We just had the 2018 event and it went well!
Here is a link to my behind-the-scenes photos of the event.
Here is the BTS video I put together:
Here is a quick description of the event from his event page:
The Acen open shoot is returning for its fourth year!
For those of you who haven’t attended any of the previous shoots, here’s the lowdown. We photographers would love to be able to work with as many cosplayers as we can at a con, but obviously, there is only so much we can do given the limited time we have. Likewise, for cosplayers there are a plethora of limitations. The aim of the open shoot is to try and fix some of these problems, all while making new connections in the process.So how does this work?
For an hour on Friday, a large group of photographers will all be setting up in the same location. Any cosplayers that are interested in doing a quick shoot are welcome to come. It is a totally free event, but all that we ask is that you bring cosplay cards or some form of identification that you can have the photog take a picture of or give to them (more on this later). You can work with as many or as few as you wish, but just understand that depending on the crowd you might only be able to work with a couple in the time limit. Each one of these “mini-shoots” will range from 2 to 5 minutes (at the discretion of the photographer).
Photographers that participated in 2018:
Cosplay Snap
Eddie B Photos
Edge of Liminality
Erik Jaworski – Photo & Film (Photos)
FX Dandy COS
Nude Carbon Studios (Photos)
PunkBurd Arts
RTheta Photography (Photos)
Sajia K. Photography
Sun Suki
UMOPhoto (Photos)
Vincent Kan Photography
YGKphotos (Photos)
Zatoyoshi Photography
Thanks to everyone that participated in the event! We hope that all of the cosplayers had a great time.