When thinking practical photography, the first thing that comes to mind is convenience. The less that gets in your way, the better you can accomplish what you have in mind with as little hassle as possible. While using convenient equipment is important, using what you have to do the job is important too. Use the equipment you have on hand. Don’t waste time looking for the perfect piece of camera equipment, because it probably won’t truly make that much of a difference. Use and bring as little stuff as possible. Sometimes I’ve not brought something and later though it might have been useful, but it isn’t the end of the world (take note: I’m not talking about professional photography where you should duplicate and cover all possibilities). Seeing as I use prime lenses most of the time, I’m use to managing with what is available. It’s actually much more fluid and experience when I don’t put much thought into gear while out in the field. Avoid extras if you can given your goals for the ses