Technical & Testing

My Photography Techniques at Chicago Comic Con 2012

Usually I write a summary at the bottom of my articles that are primarily meant to update viewers about new photographs. This time I’m separating the technical into its own article so that I can go into a bit more detail. On Friday I had attended a small photo session at Cantigny Garden in the […]

Conventions Photography

ACEN 2012: Private Photoshoots

I don’t often do private photoshoots. I generally like just walking around and randomly asking for photos of cosplayers. However, I don’t mind and will usually take them on if someone contacts me. ACEN wasn’t a definite plan until very soon before the convention started, so I only really had two people contact me within […]


The desire for practical photography.

When thinking practical photography, the first thing that comes to mind is convenience. The less that gets in your way, the better you can accomplish what you have in mind with as little hassle as possible. While using convenient equipment is important, using what you have to do the job is important too. – Use […]