Conventions Photography

ACEN 2013 Photos

I attended Anime Central 2013. A few hours on Friday, all of Saturday, and Sunday until around 2pm. Facebook gallery (tag-able) Here are a few of my favorite photos of ACEN 2013: I think I might start focusing more on private photoshoots at future conventions.

Conventions Photography

Navy Pier Cosplay Meetup 2013

A friend and I went to a large cosplay related gathering last weekend. It was located at Navy Pier in downtown Chicago. Here are the photos I had taken:Facebook Gallery (tag-able after “liking” the page) Overall, the meetup went well. We had quite a few hours to take photos and enjoy what the location had […]

Conventions Photography

Katsucon 19 (2013) photography

Check out my convention report for more general talk about the convention! Check out these image galleries for photos of the convention: Photography Banzai Gallery: Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Facebook (you can tag yourself after liking the main page): Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday I attend Katsucon with a friend. This convention is located in National […]