News Canon 7D and Pentax K-5 Comparative Review

Today released a review comparing the Canon 7D and Pentax K-5. Overall I think it is a really interesting review for a person who uses either system. I think they tried to be as non-fanboy-ish as possible by bringing out the best and worst of each system. Here is the review link: It […]

Lens Reviews

Lens Review: Sigma 24-60mm F2.8 EX DG

This Sigma lens came out around 2004 as a reasonably priced higher-end zoom lens specifically designed for digital SLR cameras. It has a maximum aperture of f2.8 throughout the entire zoom range, which is its claim to fame to being considered a higher-end lens. The reason it was lower priced probably had something to do […]

Lens Reviews

Lens Review: Focal MC Auto 135mm f2.8

One of the nice things about shooting with Pentax is that pretty much every lens that was made for K-mount will work on current DSLR cameras (the same can be said of M42 screw-mount with an adapter). There are probably a few exceptions, but I personally don’t know of any. This lens I’ll be looking […]