
Appreciation of all art forms (Ninja Turtles film)

I noticed a website by Rosemary, aka Roseangelo. She was having a comic coloring contest with the default prize of everyone getting a piece of film from the first Ninja Turtles film promotional video. As I’m a big fan on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles since childhood, I couldn’t pass that up (even though I […]


Arizona Mile Markers Calendar (Photo & Video)

The work my uncle and I have done has started to come to fruition. This calendar that I put together from our photos (about half are my uncle’s) turned out pretty nice! CafePress seems to have nice high quality printers to output something like this. Their manufacturing costs are not priced that high either, so […]

General Photography Practice and Testing

Abstract submission to a gallery idea.

I’m part of a local photographer group on facebook and someone offered up the possibility of being in a gallery. I thought I might as well come up with an idea and see if the results were worth printing. Here is the description: “The idea is cell phone pictures, printed, matted and framed in recycled […]