Business Products Video Web

Android: DSLRNinja Rate My Picture Game!

I was planning this application since I made the histogram one. Actually, my initial idea was to make a “histogram game” where the user would find out if their photo histogram was considered “good” by the software. I had some of the app written by copying existing code and modifying it, but I kept putting […]

Business General Products Video

New Android app called the “No Nonsense Picture Viewer”

I made another android application. This time I took a suggestion from a thread on Flickr I started as a basic idea for the application. I used bits and pieces from some of my existing apps, but it was for the most part new code to deal with the image manipulation. I can’t stand those […]

Article Business Video

Android App: Image Histogram Generator

It’s time for another new Android app! My first photography app was for astrophotography. This time I wrote one that generates histograms of pretty much any sized jpeg, gif. png, or bmp you can throw at it. Here is a link to the app on the Android Market. As with a lot of my […]